Sexual Harassment Policy

This Policy applies to: All members of the college community including: executives, governors,
administrators, faculty, staff, students, contractors, suppliers of services, individuals who are directly
connected to any college initiatives, volunteers, and visitors.

1. Purpose and Intent
All members of the Access Truck Training community have a right to a work and study in an environment that is free from any form of sexual violence. This document sets out our policy and response protocol to sexual violence and ensures that those who experience sexual violence are believed and their rights respected, that the College has a process of investigation that protects the rights of individuals and holds individuals who have committed an act of sexual violence accountable.

2. Policy Statement
We are committed to reducing sexual violence and creating a safe space for anyone in our College community who has experienced sexual violence. The College is expected to be a safe and positive space where members of the College community feel able to work, learn and express themselves in an environment free from sexual violence.

All reported incidents of sexual violence will be investigated to the best of the administration’s ability and in a manner that ensures due process. No individual should feel uncomfortable about making a report in good faith about sexual violence that he or she has experienced or witnessed.
We recognize that sexual violence can occur between individuals regardless of sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity or relationship status as articulated in the Ontario Human Rights Code. We also recognize that individuals who have experienced sexual violence may experience emotional, academic or other difficulties.

We are committed to:
2.1. assisting those who have experienced sexual violence by providing detailed information and support, including provision of and/or referral to counselling and medical care, and appropriate academic and other accommodation;

2.2. ensuring that those who disclose that they have been sexually assaulted are believed, and that their right to dignity and respect is protected throughout the process of disclosure, investigation and institutional response;

2.3. treating individuals who disclose sexual violence with compassion recognizing that they are the final decision-makers about their own best interests;

2.4. ensuring that on-campus (internal) investigation procedures are available in the case of sexual violence, even when the individual chooses not to make a report to the police;

2.5. engaging in appropriate procedures for investigation and adjudication of a complaint which are in accordance with College policies and standards, and that ensure fairness and due process;

2.6. ensuring coordination and communication among the various departments who are most likely to be involved in the response to sexual violence on campus;

2.7. engaging in public education and prevention activities;

2.8. providing information to the College community about sexual violence on campus;

2.9. providing appropriate education and training to the College community about responding to the disclosure of sexual violence;

2.10.contributing to the creation of a campus atmosphere in which sexual violence is not tolerated;

2.11.monitoring and updating our policies and protocols to ensure that they remain effective and in line with other existing policies and best practices.